It’s time to cut the bull.




Welcome to my second food-related blog. If you would like to read my first article about food, please follow this link about shopping in a typical American grocery store.

Ready to fight climate change? Unhappy with the lack of action others or larger systems, such as a government entity, are taking? Then it’s time to cut the bull.

And the pig.

And the chicken.

And anything else that is a living, breathing creature.

According to an article from CNN released Thursday, Oct. 18, eating a plant-based diet is not only good for you, but it’s also one of the best ways you can help fight climate change.  You probably already know that the population is growing, but you may not know there is a growing number of issues with finding the food to support this population increase. The CNN article received its information on a plant-based diet from a research paper released  Oct. 10 by Nature. Essentially, the paper proves what many people in the vegan community have been saying for years. With current technology and a growing population, we simply do not have a way to sustain human beings through meat, egg and dairy production. The effects caused by the current food system would increase 50 – 90 percent according to the research. Meat, egg and dairy production, also referred to sometimes as industrial farming, takes too much energy and causes environmental damage to continue to serve the population. Plant production, on the other hand, takes far less energy to produce and by size is easier to grow and ship than meat and dairy. It’s pollution problems are limited, if any, when produced correctly.

Bottom line: plant-based diets = environmental sustainability. That doesn’t mean you have to drop that steak knife right now, but you can make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of meat, dairy, and eggs you consume. It’s better for you and it’s better for the environment. Watch this video below to learn more.

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